Page 21 - 全球能源互联网资讯-第10期(12月)-英文
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Global Information NO.10 2020 / 12
over 5 years to develop a design. The U.K. Atomic right incentives and regulatory frameworks in place,
Energy Authority (UKAEA), the government IRENA foresees the potential growth of ocean energy
agency overseeing the effort, says construction up to 10 GW of installed capacity by 2030 globally.
could begin as soon as 2032, with operations by (Source: IRENA)
2040. The spherical STEP would look more like a
cored apple than a doughnut. This confers more
stability in the plasma so operators can achieve
higher temperatures in a smaller device. Spherical
tokamaks have been pioneered at UKAEA’s Culham
Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), with a device
called the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST)
Upgrade, and in the United States at the Princeton
Plasma Physics Laboratory with its National
Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade device.
The United Kingdom now hopes to capitalize
on that experience with STEP, which would aim
to generate 50 megawatts of electrical power.
CCFE Director Ian Chapman says the small size of
spherical tokamaks is a key advantage because the
greatest cost in the $25 billion ITER is its gigantic
magnets. (Source: Science) Northern German states cooperate
on “Hy-5” hydrogen buildup
OEE and IRENA sign MoU Five northern German states work together
The CEO of Ocean Energy Europe (OEE), Rémi to promote the development of hydrogen 19
Gruet and the director-general of the International from renewable electricity and aim to install
Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Francesco at least 500 megawatts (MW) of electrolysis
La Camera, have signed a Memorandum of capacity by 2025. Capacity should increase
Understanding (MoU) at the annual Ocean Energy rapidly to reach at least 5 gigawatts (GW)
Europe Conference & Exhibition. The partnership by 2030, the group said, which has named
will deepen existing cooperation to accelerate the the initiative Hy-5. It consists of the states
commercialization of ocean energy technologies, by of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-
promoting the right policy incentives and innovative Vorpommern, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-
business models in Europe and globally. Oceans Holstein. The northern region has ample
have abundant, largely untapped, renewable energy onshore and offshore wind capacity, seaports
resources that could fuel a robust global blue with import facilities, demand for green
economy, as shown by two new studies released energy from its industrial companies, and
by IRENA. ‘Fostering a blue economy: Offshore a head-start in hydrogen-related research.
renewable energy’ and the Agency’s ‘Innovation The region also has gas storage caverns and
Outlook: Ocean Energy Technologies’ find that in a natural gas transport pipeline network that
addition to supplying conventional power generation, could be used for hydrogen.
a blue economy powered by offshore renewables Alstom's Coradia iLint, the world's first
would offer significant benefits to Small Island hydrogen fuel cell train, has just completed
Developing States (SIDS) and coastal communities. three months of successful test operation on
Today, ocean energy accounts for approximately 530 ÖBB’s (Austrian Federal Railways) regional
megawatts of installed generation capacity globally. lines. This comes just after it received official
Tidal stream and wave projects currently under approval from the highest railway authority
construction may add another 3 gigawatts (GW) of in the country, the Austrian Federal Ministry
installed capacity short-term within the next 5 years, for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy,
most of it in Europe (55%) , Asia-Pacific (28%) and Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).
the Middle East and Africa (13%). However, with the (Source: Reuters, Alstom)
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