Page 20 - 全球能源互联网资讯-第10期(12月)-英文
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Global Information
to medium temperature resources (<150 degrees completed. According to the introduction, the
Celsius) are more common, occurring mainly in project occupies a sea area of 83 km , with a farthest
the western branch and within large sections of the offshore distance of 35 km, a total investment of RMB
rift floor between the central volcanoes. (Source: 7 billion, a total of 73 sets of 5.5 MW offshore wind
IRENA) turbines installed, a 220 kV offshore booster station
and onshore centralized control center as supporting
Germany to pump additional €3 billion in construction, and a design annual grid power of 1.03
ailing automotive industry billion kWh.
The German government announced that it would According to media reports, the installed
support the country's ailing automotive industry with capacity of two renewable energy bases in Hainan
an additional of €3 billion ($3.56 billion) — bringing Prefecture and Haixi Prefecture in Qinghai reached
Berlin's total financial support for the industry to €5 15.436GW and 10.12GW respectively, achieving the
billion. “13th Five-Year Plan” energy development target of
Bain forecasts the electric vehicle market will Qinghai Province ahead of schedule, and achieving
start rapidly scaling around 2024, escalating original milestones in the development of clean energy on a
equipment manufacturers’ race to keep up with large scale. It is reported that during the “14th Five-
tech competitors. Battery pack costs will drop from Year Plan” period, Qinghai Province will continue
$124 per kilowatt-hour to $100 per kilowatt-hour to focus on building large renewable energy bases,
by 2025. Technology improvements and optimized promote the construction of a multi-energy,
production at scale will enable this step change. By complementary, integrated, and optimized clean
2025, about 12% of all new cars sold worldwide will energy system, to create a “green power special
be fully electric. By 2040, that figure will be more zone”. (Source: China5e, Nengyuanjie)
than 50%.
18 Twenty-eight companies in the electric vehicle U.K. seeks site for world’s first fusion
industry, including big names like Tesla, Lucid, power station
and Rivian, have joined forces to create a new The U.K. government invited communities around
organization called ZETA, with the goal to push for the country to volunteer a site for a prototype
100% electric vehicle sales by 2030. They created fusion reactor, which would be the first—it is
the Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) hoped—to put electricity into the grid. The project,
to push the effort at a national level in the US. Here called Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production
are some of the things ZETA plans to push for as (STEP), began last year with an initial £222 million
an organization: outcome-driven
consumer EV incentives; emissions/
performance standards enabling full
electrification by 2030; infrastructure
investments; domestic manufacturing;
federal leadership and cooperation with
sub-national entities. (Source: Electrek,
DW and Bain)
China Yangjiang offshore wind
power project completed and
Qinghai built a large renewable
energy base
On November 24, the media reported
that the main works of CPCGN
Yangjiang Nanpeng Island 400,000kW
Offshore Wind Power Project, China's
first single large-capacity offshore wind
power project, has been successfully
Global Energy Interconnection Information Global Energy Interconnection Information