Page 19 - 全球能源互联网资讯-第10期(12月)-英文
P. 19
Global Information NO.10 2020 / 12
and GWEC recognise that rapid decarbonisation will water reactor units, with a total investment of RMB
require a variety of policy shifts and investments, 120-130 billion. At present, 2 units have been put
including intensifying renewable energy into operation, with an annual power generation
commitments, resolving market and regulatory capacity of nearly 20 billion kWh. According to the
barriers, improving access to finance and expanding operational data recently released by the World
the pipeline of bankable projects. Around a third of Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), among
all new renewable power capacity added in 2019 403 nuclear units in operation worldwide, Haiyang
was from wind power and IRENA data suggests wind nuclear unit ranks among the top in the world
– together with solar – will dominate future capacity in terms of comprehensive index score. (Source:
growth. (Source: IRENA) Cnnpn)
China Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant starts The East African Rift: Realising the
the first nuclear energy heating Region’s Geothermal Potential
On November 20, the media reported that the A new report published by IRENA, Geothermal
nuclear energy heating system project of Haiyang Energy Development in Eastern Africa, finds that the
Nuclear Power Plant in China Shandong has geothermal potential of the East African Rift has been
recently officially supplied heat to the public, largely unrealised due to various challenges that
becoming the first demonstration project of using have contributed to the slow development of projects
nuclear energy for commercial heating in China. in the region for decades. The report identifies a
After it is put into operation, it can meet the need for adequate policies and regulatory regimes to
heating demand of about 700,000 square meters increase the flow of geothermal investments into the
of buildings of local enterprises and tourist resorts. region. Currently, only about 900 MW of installed
It is reported that Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant geothermal electricity capacity exists in the region,
was designed with China's self-developed AP1000 with power plants in Ethiopia and Kenya while other
third-generation nuclear power technology and countries are either at the surface exploration stage
was planned to build six 1.25 GW-class pressurized or exploration drilling stage. On the other hand, low
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