Page 18 - 全球能源互联网资讯-第10期(12月)-英文
P. 18
Global Information
Clean Energy
Clean Energy
IEA released Renewables 2020 awarded to the commercialization of low-cost CSP
In May 2020, the IEA market update on renewable plants, US$34 million for 10 research projects that
energy provided an analysis that looked at the impact will develop systems Integration, US$7.3 million
of Covid-19 on renewable energy deployment in for 10 projects that use AI and machine learning to
2020 and 2021. Half a year later, Renewables 2020 optimize operations and solar forecasting, US$14
provides detailed analysis and forecasts through million for 10 research projects that will advance
2025 of the impact of Covid-19 on renewables in the innovative prototypes to a pre-commercial stage.
electricity heat and transport sectors. (Source: TDWorld, Hyrogenfuelnews)
Driven by China and the United States, net
installed renewable capacity will grow by nearly 4% European Commission releases offshore
globally in 2020, reaching almost 200 GW. Wind renewable energy strategy
and solar PV additions are set to jump by 30% in The European Commission released an "EU
both China and the United States as developers Strategy to harness the potential of offshore
rush to complete projects before changes in renewable energy for a climate neutral future"
16 policy take effect. Onshore wind additions are on 19 November 2020. The Strategy is part of
expected to decline by 15% globally, while offshore the wider EU movement to towards a greener
wind expansion continues to accelerate around economy, as outlined in the "EU Green Deal" and
the world. In China, onshore wind and solar PV recently published EU Commission proposal to cut
subsidies expire this year, while offshore wind greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030
support ends in 2021. The policy framework for across Europe, with the overarching objective of
2021-25 will be announced at the end of 2021, putting Europe on a responsible path to becoming
leaving uncertainty over the pace of renewables climate neutral by 2050. The Strategy envisages
expansion in China in 2022 and beyond. If countries that the EU's offshore renewable energy (ORE)
address policy uncertainties, as in Accelerated Case, capacity will ramp up to 300 GW of offshore wind
global solar PV and wind additions could each generation, and 40 GW of ocean energy, by 2050.
increase by a further 25% in 2022. This would push This objective is a substantial increase over the EU's
renewable capacity additions to a record 271 GW. currently installed offshore wind capacity of 12 GW,
China alone would account for 30% of the increase. but the Commission maintains that it is a realistic
(Source: IEA) and achievable goal. The above actions all support
the ambition in the Climate Action Plan 2019 to
U.S. DOE announces US$130 million in achieve 3.5 GW of ORE capacity by 2030 (which the
solar technology projects Programme for Government 2020 revised upwards
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently to 5 GW). (Source: Lexology)
announced selections for US$130 million in new
projects to advance solar technologies. Through IRENA and GWEC enhance cooperation to
the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable scale up renewables globally
Energy's Solar Energy Technologies Office, the DOE The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
will fund 67 research projects across 30 states that and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) signed
reduce the cost of solar, increase U.S. manufacturing a cooperation agreement in order to join efforts
competitiveness, and improve the reliability of aimed at increasing the adoption and deployment of
the nation's electric grid. US$39 million will be wind and renewable energy worldwide. Both IRENA
Global Energy Interconnection Information Global Energy Interconnection Information