Page 17 - 全球能源互联网资讯-第10期(12月)-英文
P. 17
Global Information NO.10 2020 / 12
despite what seemed to be insurmountable challenges and Tangshan LNG storage facilities, enhancing peak
complicated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. shaving capacity, and boosting interconnectivity for
Deng Changyi, project manager of Sinohydro natural gas in China.(
Corporation Ltd., the construction contractor,
told that works at the power plant reached about Neoen wins bid to build 300MW Oz
98 percent completion. When completed, the battery
power plant will be the largest power-generating Neoen has been awarded a 250MW grid services
installation in Uganda. (Source:bignewsnetwork) contract with the Australian Energy Market Operator
(AEMO) enabling it to proceed with the next phase of
Preparatory work for Tanzania-Zambia a planned 300MW battery in Victoria.
power interconnection project begin The AEMO tender was initiated by the Victorian
The preparatory work for the Tanzania-Zambia Government.
(TAZA) power interconnection project has begun in The Victorian Big Battery will help to “modernise
Tanzania ahead of the actual construction works that and stabilise” the grid in Victoria and will be
are expected to commence in 2021. Tanzania-Zambia “instrumental” in helping the state reach its 50%
power interconnection project in Tanzania consists renewables by 2030 goal, Neoen said.
of the installation of over 620 kilometers of a 400 kV The Victorian Big Battery, expected to be
double circuit line. This line will link the regions of Iringa operational by the end of 2021, will become one of
and Sumbawanga in order to connect the north-western the world’s largest batteries at double the size of
electricity grid of the East African country to that of Hornsdale Power Reserve in South Australia, also
Zambia in the Southern African region. It also includes owned and operated by Neoen.
the improvement of Tanesco’s transmission system in It will be delivered together with Tesla, and network
readiness for interconnection and corporate commercial partner AusNet Services. The 300MW/450 megawatt-
management to meet regional energy requirements. hour Victorian Big Battery will be located next to 15
Other components of the initiative consist of operational Moorabool Terminal Station in Geelong, Victoria.
support services, frequency synchronization, tie-line Grid services the battery will provide under
control, protection, metering, and other technical works. contract to AEMO include the System Integrity
(Source: constructionreviewonline) Protection Scheme (SIPS), which will run until 2032
and is the result of the SIPS 2020 procurement
China put the middle section of the China- process initiated by the Victorian Government.
Russia east route natural gas project into use The battery will unlock up to an additional
The middle section of the China-Russia east route 250MW of peak capacity on the existing Victoria to
natural gas project began operation on Dec. 3rd, New South Wales Interconnector (VNI) over the next
providing a stable natural gas supply to the Beijing- decade of Australian summers.(Source:
Tianjin-Hebei region, according to a release by the
China Oil & Gas Piping Network Corporation.
The middle section links transmission stations
between Changling in Northeast China's Jilin
Province, to Yongqing, North China's Hebei province
intersecting five provincial-regions including Jilin,
Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Hebei, and Tianjin.
The middle section, which began construction
in July 2019, has a total length of 1,110 kilometers. It
will increase China gas supply capacity by 27 million
cubic meters per day, ensuring a stable gas supply
throughout North China's winter heating season
while improving air quality and the energy mix in the
Bohai Economic Rim.
The project is connected using a domestic pipeline
network including the Shaan-Jing pipeline system
Global Energy Interconnection Information Global Energy Interconnection Information